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I Miss Your Purple Hair I Miss the Easy You Taste

Featured Authors: Thomas Neviaser MD, iRoxanne Howe-Murphy, iAlan Cook, iRobert Davis, iGloria Clark, iBryon Smith, iRoger Vizi, iR.E.E.S Blogs Linda Smith, Publisher, iPaul Ulasien, iJeanine Malarsky, i

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I Miss Your Purple Hair

Category: Vision/Metaphysical
Publisher:Privileged Publishing

ISBN-10: 0578044056



December 16, 2009

I Miss Your Purple Hair is a tale about a father's love for his daughter, a girl awakening to her true destiny... and the dawning of a new era. Themes include: synchronicity; human evolution; unconditional love of a father for his daughter; clairvoyance; enlightenment; and humanity's hunger for leadership.

A series of events leads a gifted teenager and her father to the San Diego Zoo. Their relaxing excursion unexpectedly becomes a struggle for survival and lives hang in the balance when their world is turned upside down. They discover that they weren't the only ones compelled to be there at what seems like the worst time imaginable.
I Miss Your Purple Hair is a tale about a father's love for his daughter, a girl awakening to her true destiny... and the dawning of a new era. The story foretells of a day when humanity stands on the threshold of a quantum leap in evolution.

"We all receive messages in the form of synchronicities, yet far too few of us have learned to recognize and honor the signs. Only by learning to accept and develop all of our innate gifts can we realize our potential... and ultimately, avoid extinction." - Robert R. Chandler


Violet slowly trained her candy-apple-red digital camera on the adult peacock. The bird had turned its beautiful sapphire and emerald head to examine the cause of the shadow spilling over its body. She quickly took a pair of snapshots then hung her camera back over her head. �Rats!� she muttered. �That�s not the one.�
Mateo had finally pulled even with her and wore a puzzled expression as he placed his hand on her shoulder. �What exactly are you doing?� he asked. Violet proceeded to divulge her underlying motivation for wanting to come to the zoo so badly.
She explained that she had stumbled upon an item on an obscure Internet site about a man in Pennsylvania who discovered a very rare (he referred to it as �divine� and �miraculous�) peacock in the National Aviary in Pittsburgh. According to the report, a docent at the facility had made the discovery; at least he claimed as much. The original blog post by the young man stated he had been taking photos of one of the Aviary�s peacocks and detected some highly unusual coloring on one of the bird�s many splendid tail feathers. The male peafowl, otherwise sporting typical iridescent blue-green plumage, was described as approximately three months of age.
The man discovered the unique aspect of this particular bird while editing his collection of images on his laptop computer. A student at Carnegie-Mellon University, he was collecting images of peacocks as a birthday gift for his fianc�. He intended to create and self-publish a small book of high-resolution photos of peacocks. His girlfriend had always loved peacocks and other exotic birds and had a stylized tattoo of a single peacock feather on her upper right arm.
A truly remarkable feature of this particular peacock existed on one of its tail feathers. The blog included a photograph of the entire bird and a blurry close-up of the unusual feather. As Violet pored over the lengthy post and accompanying photos, she was intrigued by the
author�s suggestion that there was something incredible about the unique tail feather. Asserting he was an expert on peafowl, he suggested the possibility that the purple coloration within the eye had never before been documented. Deeper into his post, he claimed there were �intricate symbols in gold above the eye.� As the self-proclaimed aficionado continued, he described iridescent gold shapes woven into the background �resembling a Sun, a triangle and a five-pointed star.�
He insisted he first noticed them upon photographing the bird, but had failed to capture a sharp image. After planning another visit to document the anomaly, he was frustrated to learn that the aviary had donated the peacock, along with three additional peafowl, to the San Diego Zoo. Apparently, their healthy surplus allowed them to comfortably donate several of their stock to the zoo, which was looking to replace some birds recently lost to a lethal viral infection. Upon reading this, Violet felt compelled to locate the peacock in question. The blog post had been dated December 15th, so she hoped the timing would be ideal to find the mysterious peacock.
Running his hand through his hair, Mateo felt fortunate to have such a confident and adventurous daughter. He had long ago recognized that he and Violet shared many traits: highly developed senses of intuition and precognition; endless curiosity; unwavering self-confidence; and a broad sense of humor. They both tended to be naturally sympathetic and in complete harmony with their spirituality, as well.
Curious and determined, Violet conducted a hasty visual examination of the bird she had cornered, and just as efficiently determined it was not the one she sought. Depicted in the visual reference she possessed, the body of the bird she sought sported similar rich emerald green and cobalt blue feathers, but was smaller than the one currently at her feet. After calmly declaring, �This isn�t the one ether,� she finally explained everything to her patient father.
He knew his daughter well enough to know that it would be pointless to try to talk her out of continuing the adventure. Mateo raised his trusty Canon camera and took a shot of Violet kneeling next to the beautiful object of her waning attention. She automatically looked up and smiled as she had done a thousand times before, and announced, �Cool, now let�s find the real one.�
Mateo laughed and grabbed her hand, and they continued their quest. Along the way, Mateo happily absorbed all of the sights and sounds within the vibrant microcosm. He would have preferred to pause and take more photos, but accepted the fact that his headstrong daughter would not be denied. They continued along the path in a southwestward direction, past the potbellied pigs and into the entrance of the lush Ituri Forest region. The dense canopy of lush, green trees created a sudden shift in atmosphere marked by noticeably cooler temperatures and a tangibly peaceful energy.
As they followed the clearly defined path that wound through the shrouded region, Mateo and Violet noticed a crimson-haired young woman taking photographs. Of average height and slender build, she was clad in khaki shorts and a hunter green tank top. Atop her head of long flowing red hair she wore a white visor. Sand-colored hiking boots completed her ensemble. When she turned her head to the side, Mateo could not help but appreciate her natural beauty. From a distance, he noted that her beautiful eyes were almost the same green as the midriff-exposing top snugly glued to her well-toned torso. Those same eyes, alert and clear, quickly darted about, seeking the next target for her camera. She quickly documented images of plants, flowers, birds and anything else that caught her attention.
Violet gently nudged her father and pantomimed someone whipping their camera around in frenzied fashion, taking photos in lightning-quick succession. She quickly snapped to attention and ended her mimicry when it appeared the photographer spotted her little act. Mateo enjoyed that his daughter was still just a typical kid, despite her sometimes startling maturity. He squeezed her shoulder to indicate he loved her just the way she was.
The mystery woman turned and continued ahead along the trail,
disappearing when a bend in the path took her out of view. Violet took a moment to savor the breathtakingly beautiful environment. She had developed a penchant for closing her eyes, extending her slender arms out to the side, and breathing in deeply. She often would employ this routine when in the presence of natural beauty or an especially memorable moment. She dramatically proclaimed, �Ahhh� gotta take it all in!�
Mateo had learned to join her in these special moments, so he extended his long, tanned arms while inhaling the enchanting fragrances of the forest. In unison with Violet, he inhaled the intoxicating aroma and held it in his lungs for as long as he could. Eyes closed, his mind treated him to a virtual slide show of his daughter�s life. He relived the moment of her birth, so vivid because he had been the first person to hold her. He enjoyed the image of her first day of school, when she boarded the yellow bus with her red lunch box in one hand and a flower for the teacher in the other. She displayed no trepidation on that day � only excitement. He recalled her first soccer practice, when she was only six years old. He could both see and hear her playing her first guitar and singing one of her ad-libbed songs at age eight. Finally, he savored an image of her amidst a lush forest, eyes closed and arms outstretched, smiling as she drank in the energy of the indigenous life forms. He smiled and finally exhaled. Upon opening his eyes, he saw Violet a few yards ahead of him, distracted by something in the trees.
�What is it?� he asked.
On tiptoes, Violet strained to see something high overhead. She faced him and said, �Papa, we better hurry and find that peacock. That storm is coming fast and we might run out of time. See how dark the sky�s getting?�
Without saying another word, they hustled along the path until they exited the Ituri Forest into the zoo proper, emerging near the hippopotamus enclosure. Violet pulled her father along by his upper arm, clearly not remotely interested in the hippos.
�There�s another one!� she whispered, before rushing toward a peacock walking alongside the path. Anticipating the rain, Mateo pulled his tattered black baseball cap from his back pocket and stuck it on his head.
Violet had already rushed over to the bird to examine it. She scrunched up her nose and announced, �Awww... I thought this was the one for sure, but its colors are wrong.�
Mateo suggested they head toward the exit because of the impending storm, but Violet pretended she didn�t hear him. Instead, she stood perfectly still and closed her eyes. Mateo knew what she was up to, having grown accustomed to her mannerisms. With her camera hanging from her neck, she set her denim backpack at her feet and placed her hands on her hips. After a few deep breaths, she stood locked in a peaceful trance for a few seconds.
Mateo had learned from Violet how to purge his conscious mind of the distractions his senses had accumulated. He had refined the simple process of focusing and breathing in an effort to connect to the energies swirling around him. Over the past several years, he had become adept at achieving this state instinctively, just as Violet had always done.

The wind shifted, and Mateo sensed a significant change in the air.

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